SB29NRX-00 10" Passive Radiator

This driver is built similarly to the active woofer and is a good match to the SB29SWNRX-S75 10" subwoofer. In 0.75 to 1.0 cubic foot with that woofer one has an F3 of about 35Hz. It also mates well with the SB29NRX75-6 10" woofer.

116,80 €
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  • Hard paper cone for improved piston operation (made in-house)
  • Cast aluminum chassis for optimum strength
  • Low damping medium hardness rubber surround for improved dynamic linearity and mechanical stability
  • Easily adjustable moving mass


Product details

SB Acoustics SB29NRX-00 10" Passive Radiator


This driver is built similarly to the active woofer and is a good match to the SB29SWNRX-S75 10" subwoofer.  In 0.75 to 1.0 cubic foot with that woofer one has an F3 of about 35Hz. It also mates well with the SB29NRX75-6 10" woofer. In 1.0 to 1.3 cubic foot, your F3 is 38Hz. Using a plate amp with a low frequency boost, one would go even lower. 



Driver type
Passive radiator
Resonance frequency (fs)
10.2 Hz
Mechanical Q (Qms)
Speaker diameter
Effective mechanical mass incl air load (mms)
Effective piston radiating area (Sd)
312 cm2
Equivalent volume of compliance (Vas)
2.33 ft.³