Mundorf MCap EVO SilverGold Oil

Mundorf MCap EVO Silver Gold oil capacitor unites the audible feature of the MCap EVO oil with those of a Silver Gold metallization.  
It does not have the winding technology of the Supreme capacitors, making it an inexpensive entry into the Silver/Gold capacitor world.

Capacitance (µF): 0.01
Tax included

The MCap® EVO SilverGold.Oil was developed in 2012 to specifically create the powerful and finely nuanced acoustic colours that are typical to the SilverGold in as compact and cost-effective a format as possible. The large capacities created as aresult also permit efficient use in high-quality midrange applications.

The self-healing PP capacitor film is im-pregnated with oil after the EVOLUTIONwinding process and potted by hand into special casings. Any impact on the audio signal caused by microphony is practically ruled out as a result. The directly gold-plated,asymmetrical pure copper terminals make it possible to assemble it in a classic, horizontal style or vertical; the shorter lead also indicates the capacitor’s outer foil.